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ENROLL your daughter to become a MoonFlower with sacRED MOONtime TODAY!


If you are interested in registering your daughter, niece, granddaughter, or another girl child for this 12-week cohort, please click here to do so. This hybrid series consists of 9 virtual sessions and 3 in-person sessions, and it includes a weekend camping excursion.


For the time being, we have very limited openings, and they are on a first-come, first-serve basis. We are grateful to our sponsors who provided grant funding for the operations of the sacRED MOONtime Sessions. These funds have allowed SMT to pay for most of the tuition (which includes many of the resources, materials, and supplies for each MoonFlower - what we call our SMT participants). However, every participant is required to pay an enrollment fee. This fee pays for the shipping and handling of these supplies and other administration fees for the program. The fee for each participant for the 12 weeks is $200.


A detailed info session will be held at the end of April 2024 to discuss the dates, requirements, and the full breakdown of sacRED MOONtime. Once your application and payment have been received, details for this session will be sent out.


sacRED MOONtime Dozen (12-week Cohort Series)

  • Help a MoonFlower Bloom

    ENROLL your daughter to become a MoonFlower with sacRED MOONtime TODAY!


    All sales are final.  No refunds are available at this time.

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